Saturday, January 23, 2016

Del's Freez (Melbourne)

Last night was my wedding anniversary, so we went out to a nice restaurant for dinner.  After dinner they offered us a complementary dessert.  But we turned it down.  Why would we do that?  Because I was craving Del's! 

Del's Freez is a bit of nostalgia.  An iconic piece of history in this town.  It is an old fashioned, walk up to the window and order, soft serv and hot dog place.  It is a tiny place right on the fastest, busiest highway through town (US1).  There is some picnic tables to sit at, but plan on sitting with strangers and sharing your space, because it is always crowded.  At least in the winter!  How strange that an ice cream place where you eat outside is busiest in the winter.  I can only think, well, Florida.  In the summer you can't enjoy it as much because it melts too fast. 

Del's was established in that spot in 1956 as a Tastee Freez.  In the 1970's Del Schmadel bought it and gave up the Franchise name to make it his own place.  Back then, the area had a theater and a Drive In nearby to bring in business.  Nowadays there isn't anything much in that area except car dealers and a six lane highway, but people still flock to the place.  Often there are double lines almost to the highway.  Run a Google search on Del's and you will find lots of 4.5 and 5 star ratings.

There is nothing fancy going on here.  Handwritten signs show menu options.  A roof has been added over the picnic tables for some shade in the summertime.  There is barely room inside for two employees to move around.  All this means that overhead is low and so are prices! 

You know it is cold when they are wearing hoodies inside!
You can talk to anyone who has lived in Melbourne for a few years and everyone has been here.  Most will have a story to share about a special memory there.  So here we are in 2016 coming up to 60 years of deliciousness at Del's Freez on US1 in Melbourne.  Go ahead, you know you want to.  And don't be afraid to order whatever crazy combination your heart fudge with gummy bears?  Sure!  Enjoy!

Tips:  Bring cash, they don't take debit or credit cards

Here is their Facebook page: stop by the page to see some pictures of the old days and how similar it looks today.

Here is an interesting article with more history of Del's:
On a sunny summer day (pic courtesy Michaela Thomas)

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